The idea and tradition of Chinese Funeral Singapore are specific and clear. The funeral service providers like to arrange contemporary bereavement service in Singapore. The religious views are also reflected in Chinese funeral rites.
Basics Understanding: The mournful family of the deceased arrange funeral wakes to show respect and piety to the loved one. The relatives and family show their final respect and sympathy with grief to the corpse. Similarly, the duration of the funeral depends on the family, and it can be three to seven days. These days are associated with several ceremonies that are related to the funeral service.
The Tradition of Chinese Funeral in Singapore: The religious views are projected in the funeral ceremony. Traditionally, the family wants full night vigils in the wake to save the corpse from the bad thinks. During the funeral, the family member wears very simple attire to show mourn and grief. The Tradition of Chinese Funeral in Singapore: The religious views are projected in the funeral ceremony. Traditionally, the family wants full night vigils in the wake to save the corpse from the bad thinks. During the funeral, the family member wears very simple attire to show mourn and grief. Generally, it is a black and white blouse with trousers. The tradition does not permit any loud colors such as red.
In a Chinese funeral, there is a practice. The relatives can contribute money in a white envelope. Similarly, it is a symbol of grief and respect in Chinese funeral service.