What To Note Before Receiving An STD Test At An STD Clinic

Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can seem quite daunting. Just the thought of contracting an STD can bring about feelings of shame and guilt to many Singaporeans. But it is critical to visit an STD clinic in Singapore once in a while to maintain your sexual health and ensure the health of your sexual partners. This is especially so for people who maintain an active sexual relationship with another person, regardless of sexuality or gender. Before you head to an STD clinic to have a consultation with an experienced doctor, here are a few things that you should take note of.

1. Book an appointment in advance

If you are certain that you would like to see a doctor at an STD clinic, then it is recommended that you book an appointment in advance. As these doctors can be busy, it may not be possible for you to see the doctor if you walk in, especially during peak periods. Making an appointment will not only allow the clinic to pre-empt your visit, but also allow you to mentally prepare yourself before discussing STDs with your doctor.

2. You may be required to do a urine and blood test

For a complete STD test, blood and urine tests are required. Blood tests can detect various viruses in the bloodstream, including HIV and Hepatitis A and B. Urine tests are essential to detect some bacterial STDs, such as chlamydia. As such, it is important to be prepared for both a blood and urine test before visiting an STD clinic: drink sufficient water on the day of the visit, and abstain from urinating before your scheduled time. That way, the doctor would be able to conduct your STD tests smoothly. Do note that it is possible that the doctor may avoid these tests if you have specific concerns that do not require them.

3. Your consultation and test results are highly confidential

At STD clinics in Singapore, all consultations with the doctors are treated with the highest level of confidence. Your doctor may ask some personal questions about your sexual history and why you decided to take the STD test. You should answer as truthfully as you can, as the doctor would then be able to recommend which tests are most suitable for you. Rest assured that all the information that you share with your doctor will not be shared with anyone else. In the same vein, all test results that come in will also be highly confidential. Only you and your doctor will know the test result. Your doctor will be able to recommend further treatment after seeing your test results. Whether you are tested positive for any STD will not be reflected on your public health record.


Before you head down to an STD clinic, it is important to remember that testing is just like any other health checkup. It helps to keep you healthy. After the test, you can definitely take important steps to stay protected from STDs.

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