Top 10 Best Qualities Possessed By Excellent Speakers

Speaking at a seminar or training can be overwhelming. However, it can be easy when you channel some of the best qualities held by public speakers all over.

Confidence, vitality, empathy, storytelling, self-awareness, authenticity, humour, passion, being natural, and repetition are all part of being the best public speaker you can be.


A secret to a successful training program lies in the confidence of the speaker. Tell yourself that you are going to give a fantastic presentation. Keep this in your mind to help maintain your confidence. Be secure in yourself and your abilities. The more confident you are, the more credible you will be. Relieve stress and keep calm prior to the event in order to portray a well-composed posture and flow.


Public speaking is a performance. You are portraying yourself to a huge crowd. Therefore, standing up there requires energy and enthusiasm. A mundane or portraying a low energy in front of the crowd will only result in an inattentive or distracted audience. Being full of life while getting your point across is much more efficient.


Thinking more about your audience than yourself will impress and stay with people even after they leave the training room. Understand their needs and let your focus fall on them. This might also help with your nerves.


People love stories. Using a story to engage your audience can really get them involved. Telling stories can reveal vulnerabilities and let the audience know that you are human, too. To break the momentum of seriousness, telling stories is the effective way to attract back the attention span of your audience.


Understanding yourself is the first step to being an effective speaker. What are your best traits? How is it that you connect with others the best? Having the answers to these questions will help you not only to be yourself but to improve upon these strengths to be the best you can be.


Your call to action will be more likely to be followed if you are authentic and real. Being open and vulnerable will add another layer to you, allowing people to understand you better.


Like how presentations or e-learning are among the common training methods used today, a tad of joke is needed to break the silence and awkwardness among the crowd. Jokes are not the way you want to go when it comes to your speaking. Most of the time, they fall flat, and meaning can be lost. Tying humour into your speaking is different, however, it can be useful.


The subject of which you are speaking about should be one that you enjoy. Without that passion, the speech will be meaningless. Being sincere is an important part of being a good speaker.


Taking a conversational tone with your audience will help them to feel more comfortable in your presence. Talking in a ‘fake’ tone may turn your audience off from what you are saying.


Figure out what message you want your audience to take away from your speaking. Repeat it a few times, making sure it sticks with your audience. They will be more likely to remember what you have to say the more you repeat it.

Overall, it is important to channel these qualities when preparing for an event in which you are going to need to capture the audience’s attention and to keep it. As long as you try to follow these qualities, there will be little problems with your results.

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