COVID-19: How Regular Handwashing Can Greatly Reduce Risks

Unlike your regular fun hair removal posts, this article will focus on the pandemic that has affected the entire world. To keep abreast of the situation, dive into what COVID-19 truly is and the safety precautions you can pick up to stay safe.

What is a coronavirus 

The lack of information and sheer panic has promoted misinformation and misconceived assumptions about the virus. Whilst it is a novel virus, COVID-19 is not it’s only kind.

Coronavirus is actually a type of virus, characterised by its crown-like spikes. Coronaviruses are common in many species of animals, such as camels, cattle and even cats.

There are various kinds and unfortunately, a few of them have the propensity to cause some type of disease. COVID-19, in particular, is a virus that promotes respiratory ailments that will lead to other kinds of symptoms and eventually cause death if not treated.

Why is the COVID-19 so dangerous

At the start, many are not quite sure how COVID-19 will affect the human body. Perhaps because its first few symptoms are similar to that of the flu, most countries have taken a rather wary but lax approach.

Then happened the sudden spike and its presence in countries outside of China. There was then an increased awareness of its contagion rate. In fact, an infected person can pass the disease on to 2 or 3 people on average.

Since it spreads via water droplets released into the air via coughs or sneezes, they travel for a few feet before landing on any surface area.

It doesn’t help that asymptomatic individuals walk amongst us, which poses a problem for their health and the health of others. That and the disregard of the severity of the virus have led to a massive jump in infected cases and the total number of deaths.

Why washing hands is important

Viruses can stay active outside of the body for hours, even days. Whilst disinfectants and hand sanitisers can get rid of bacteria and a percentage of viruses, they are not quite as effective as your regular soap.

There is a reason why: the chemical composition of viruses. The virus is, in fact, a self-assembled viral particle that is held by lipid (fatty) bilayer. What soap does is to dissolve this weak link (lipid bilayer) that surrounds the virus, along with other weak bonds, which effectively breaks the virus apart.

Since the skin has a lot of crevices, you’d need to ensure you do a fair amount of rubbing to make sure the soap comes into contact with every part of your skin surface. Thus, make sure you scrub the back of your hands, between your fingers and under the nails. 

On that note, remember not to touch any part of your face, and only do so once you’ve washed your hands.


It’s a rather volatile time, and admittedly, this uncertainty can cause a lot of anxiety and uneasiness, which can easily lead to misjudgements and actions. Help flatten the curve by staying at home unless necessary and maintain good personal hygiene at all times.

In accordance with the government’s safety measure guidelines, we will temporarily cease all operations from 7th April 2020 (Tuesday) till 4th May 2020 (Monday). Whilst we may not be available to offer you any laser hair removal treatment for now, let’s work together to flatten the curve!

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